Sunday, 29 May 2011

I'm a bit of a Biblio Invertabrate

I love reading, I will read anything and everything, no cereal box or leaflet is left unread in my house!

I can't help myself, maybe it's the words I love, I love plays on words, I love phrases, expressions I love all things expressed through word!

When we read, we paint pictures with our minds we use our imagination, probably why no film ever compares to the book!

But what really annoys me are literature snobs! Those that look down their noses at the likeS of us that might read a trashy novel over a so called literary masterpiece.

Don't get me wrong I love the classics but not all of them! I will admit that I haven't read all that I am apparently supposed to have read but I'm also not one of those people that would pretend I had!

All books have worth, they mean something to the author and given the chance to read it, there will be someone who enjoys it.

I have heard people knock the Twilight series of books but I would personally like to thank Stephanie Meyer, thanks to her my severely dyslexic daughter is never without a book or 5! There was a time that my daughter was quite literally scared of reading, it caused her such distress then came 'Twilight' wonderful, wonderful Twilight, my daughter heard so much about it she wanted to read it so I bought it, she slowly read through it finding ways to manage the words, she loved it so I bought the next one and then the next and this made her want to read different books , she developed methods of coping with the words, she gained confidence and now she, like me is never without a book.

I choose books that I think I will enjoy, I have no specific genre that is 'my thing' I read the blurb, I read book reviews and if I like the sound of it I buy it, I don't use the library I don't download a book, I like the physical act of holding that fresh tome in my hands, opening the first page , I love the look, the feel and I love my walls being lined with books.

My favourite book, well that's a hard one, it just seems so unfair to choose a favourite, no one would ask you to choose your favourite child would they?
There are so many books that I love and for different reasons, I love Terry Pratchett books because I love his use of guess what...... words! I love The Time Travellers Wife, A Thousand Splendid Suns made me cry and will stay with me forever, Of mice and men stays in my memory as my children like me have had to read it for school, A redbird Christmas makes me happy, I love books that make me laugh, I'm partial to sci-fi and fantasy and I like biographies.

And in telling you all that I have avoided choosing my favourite because I just can't!

Can you tell me your favourite? Or what books mean to you? I'd love to know!

1 comment:

  1. My two favorite authors are Flannery O'Connor and Pat Conroy.

    Flannery wrote two novels (Wise Blood and The Violent Bear It Away) and two collections of short stories (A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge). They are all distinctly American, Southern American, backwoods Southern American, so I don't know whether they would appeal to you, but I still recommend them.)

    I love the way Pat Conroy writes except for all the four-letter words, but I suppose that is a reading hazard of our times. Start with The Water Is Wide and then go on to The Great Santini, Lords of Discipline, and Prince of Tides. P of T (the book) is much better than P of T (the movie). I just finished Pat's book called Beach Music which is highly enjoyable and simultaneously repulsive. It was written 15 years ago. His latest, which I haven't yet read, is South of Broad.


I'd really love to hear from you , whether you choose to follow or just drop by for a read , so say Hi and let me know what you think, really I'm asking!

Go on you know you want to!