Monday, 19 August 2013

Just a little rant on a Monday Morning

So on my return to blogging it would appear that my creative juices have run dry having filled my head for the past year with psychotherapy, attachment and human behaviour it would seem like although I want to write I'm unable to come up with something so what I am going to talk to you about is Poop! I know, way to raise the intellectual bar round here but that's my topic Poop! in particular dog poop!

I was walking the dog this morning and I was absolutely amazed and disgusted by how much dog poo there was in our local park seriously what is wrong with some dog owners I am actually starting to think that I am the only person in the whole of Peckham who cleans up after their dog either that or there is one dog who really needs to be seen by a vet and one owner who doesn't know that in fact you legally have to clean up after your dog and actually its disgusting for us humans that walk their dogs with their children to A. have to dodge the poo and B. have to stop their dogs potentially eating another dogs poo or rolling around on the spot of grass where said anonymous dog has pooed and please don't get me started on the amount of chicken bones that I have to drag forcibly from dogs mouth. People of Peckham if you must eat your chicken and chips walking along then please have the decency to throw your food waste in the bin! not only do you encourage rats you make poor people like me have to wrestle their dog to stop it choking or doing even worse damage.

My fun walks with my little one and pooch have turned into an obstacle course that the toughest of military would be proud of! So people when you see a mad woman and child leaping and zig zagging their way through the park and then said mad woman straddling a dog to retrieve a chicken bone lodged in its jaw try to remember ...... be a responsible dog owner and clean up the poo and if you must eat chicken and chips when you finish ..... use a bin!

Rant over, as you were!

and hopefully I'll be back with something a bit more fun than poo!


  1. See, I told you that having a dog would provide you with fodder for several posts!

    We have so much in common, Emma. I feel the same way you do about dog poop and chicken bones. Well, not them, exactly, but about the people who leave them both lying about.

    Unfortunately, our sweet Jethro, a9-year-old white Havanese, had to be put down on May 31st. We are still very sad at our house as I'm convinced he was one of the best dogs in the entire world. He had an enlarged heart, which not only caused him trouble breathing -- he would cough and cough -- but also caused fluid buildup in his lungs and chest. It was better for him, but not, I fear, for us. I do hope you have many long and good years with your new doggie.

    This is sort of an anti-rant, I guess.

    1. My dear Robert, I'm so sorry to hear about Jethro its so hard to lose a pet they really are part of the family when we lost our beloved Harvey 3 years ago to cancer it broke my heart and the decision to get a new dog was a long and hard one and although I really would have liked another Labrador I couldn't bring myself to get one so we have Marley who is husky/border collie cross and full of energy!

  2. See, I told you that having a dog would provide you with fodder for several posts!

    We have so much in common, Emma. I feel the same way you do about dog poop and chicken bones. Well, not them, exactly, but about the people who leave them both lying about.

    Unfortunately, our sweet Jethro, a9-year-old white Havanese, had to be put down on May 31st. We are still very sad at our house as I'm convinced he was one of the best dogs in the entire world. He had an enlarged heart, which not only caused him trouble breathing -- he would cough and cough -- but also caused fluid buildup in his lungs and chest. It was better for him, but not, I fear, for us. I do hope you have many long and good years with your new doggie.

    This is sort of an anti-rant, I guess.

  3. Oops, didn't mean to send it twice!

    1. lol well always good to hear from you so twice as nice!


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