Saturday, 11 June 2011

Accidental Parenting 101 plus a lot of hot guys!

 When I initially set out to write this it was simply to share a game/bit of fun that my daughters and I play, something that we find fun and makes us laugh but the more I thought about It the more I realised that this 'game' that we play is actually a way that my daughters and I bond, I'm lucky that I have a good relationship with my daughters anyway but they're teenagers and we all know how volatile a period of our lives can be! So anyway to 'The game' not sure how it started or when it started but I think a comment while watching a movie started it and progressively it has become our lists game it goes something like this, we have 3 lists a Dude list- this is all the men that we think are hot. A chick list ( we're an equal opportunity family and hot is hot after all) same as the first but obviously women and our favourite The crushes you shouldn't have this is a list of all those people that you inexplicably have a crush on they might not be good looking but there's just that certain something about them so I'm going to give you our lists there is a reason to this not just the sharing of our crushes which is always fun but something else occurred to me while we were doing this and drum roll if you please here are our our lists!

Mine goes a little something like this,Oh and I've done this as we do it, we quite often don't know their real names so be warned! and the list are absolutely massive so we've just given a few of our favourites
And in no particular order may I present

Dude List

Ian somerhalder (ridiculously hot)
Eric Dane, Mc Steamy Grey's Anatomy
Justin Timberlake
Paul Rudd
Jonny Depp
Jessie williams again Grey's anatomy ,
Justin Chambers, Karev Grey's anatomy , seriously doing the job of casting for that show must be a bitch!
Justin timberlake
George clooney
Taylor Lautner
Vin Diesel

Chick list

Ellen dengeneers
Megan fox
Eva Longoria
Eva Mendes
Gwen Stefani
Gloria from Modern Family

And our very favourite list of all, My Crushes you shouldn't have!

I know, we just can't explain it!

Nick Frost
Simon Pegg
Paul the alien
Bear in the Big Blue house       
Burt from Raising Hope
Benedict Cumberbatch

And my 14 Year Olds List

And Now my 17 year olds List

 When we did our lists we realised that we shared a number of the same people which leads me in to the realisation that I made as we did this, It just goes to show that beauty, sex appeal call it what you will is not age specific it's about beauty that certain something, attraction and that sentiment  'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' really does seem to ring true!

So who's on your list? We'd love to hear!

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