Thursday, 5 January 2012

It's common sense, surely?

It's that time of year when we start thinking about certain things... Money.. Well we think about that all year but right now most of us are still in shock at how much we spend on celebrating one day of the year and how pissed we are that almost all the gifts we bought are now half price just one day later(I'm celebrating Christmas on the 27th this year or at least exchanging presents on the 27th!)and our health, you know the one "oh God why did I drink so much!" closely followed by "oh God why did I eat so much" it's like our brains think "right it's Christmas we can eat drink and be merry and damn the consequences!" then the cold light of new year kicks in and we're 10lb heavier, our livers are screaming out for mercy and our pockets are a lot more pounds lighter!

It's the time when gym memberships( that we use twice!) and weight loss groups have record numbers of new members.

But the reality is that most of us won't stick to our resolutions and will be even more out of pocket as a result!

And so with all of this in mind I have come up with a plan that all of us can follow its guaranteed to work and solves all our problems in the same plan! What's this amazing plan I hear you cry! Where can I sign up for it? Here take my bank details!

Ok, wait for it, it's called .....................COMMON SENSE! Seriously! Eat less, drink less, save money! Ta dah! I know I'm amazing!

Seriously though it just takes a few changes to have an impact and you can even save more money on your groceries by making a few simple changes and by planning your meals in advance.

This week I halved my shopping bill by planning what we will eat for the week, changing a few things for the supermarkets basic range, which by the way when I checked the nutritional value were quite often lower in calories, saturated fat and salt, bulking out meals with vegetables that were on special offer(all the major supermarkets run special offers on fruit and veg)and only buying what we need instead of picking up all those little things that I suddenly decide we need that are on offer, you know the ones they're usually sweet or fatty and they're buy 1 get 1 free and you'd never normally buy them! Or is that just me?

So there we are, that's my plan for the new year and so far this week I've lost 2lb in weight and saved a hell of a lot more in money!

So come one, come all and join me, use that Common Sense and you know what, why not walk to the supermarket if possible and exercise a little more therefore burning a few more calories and get a little more healthier!

I'll keep you informed and I may even post some of my money saving meal plans and hopefully we'll all be healthier and have a bit more money in our pockets!


  1. My supermarket is 4.3 miles away, up hill and down dale, as it were, and there is no way in God's green earth that I am going to walk there. That being said, your suggestions are spot on about the grocery store. I do all of the grocery shopping at our house since Mrs. RWP had her two titanium knees installed a few years back, and I've come to know that a penny saved is a penny earned. I'm not quite like those extreme couponers, but I regularly save 25% just by cutting out little slips of paper from the Sunday newspaper inserts with my scissors. And I shop the aisles at Kroger, Publix, and Walmart (yes, Walmart) for the best prices of the things we buy regularly. FYI, Walmart is cheapest on peanut butter, jelly, sliced cheese, lunch meat, and OxyClean laundry spray. You heard it here first.

    1. No I don't think I would be walking to do the grocery shopping if I had that distance to travel! We have Asda over here which is owned by Walmart! And I too shop around for the best offers but haven't attempted the couponing yet although with the increase in food prices I may have to give it a try!


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Go on you know you want to!