Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Really it's been a year? No surely not!

Today is the one year anniversary of starting my blog!

Is it what I thought it would be? No and Yes

I initially thought I would have a million and one things to say and have this amazing blog that has thousands of views then obviously would come the book deal, film rights etc etc

But alas and alack its not!

Mainly down to me and my time keeping, the fact I don't really publicise it anywhere might have something to do with it or perhaps down to the fact that my content hasn't been amazing and probably because rather than being this witty, articulate piece of work that I intended its been more about self therapy and getting things out of my head as when I find the time!

But all that being said I love my blog, I love the people that pass by and comment and I love reading other people's blogs! again as and when I find the time!

So all in all I intend to carry on as I am, writing for the joy of expressing myself and hopefully others will find some of what I write interesting too!

So Happy Blogaverssary to me!


  1. I suspect that many many bloggers, myself included, could have written an almost identical post.

  2. It's nice to know I'm not alone!

  3. A happy belated blogaversary to you, Emma!

    I find you witty and articulate and amazing (all of the above) and there is absolutely no reason in the whole wide stinkin' world why you shouldn't have those thousands of views you so longed for, except those louts out there don't know what they're missing.

    A suggested remedy: You could read each comment a thousand times. You could try that standing naked with a parrot on your head bit from the next post forward in your town's business district at high noon on a Thursday. That would at least get you some notoriety and maybe even your children's attention and quite possibly a few more blog readers.

    I'm just sayin'....

  4. Thank you Robert you have made my day! I think your suggestion albeit it being one that would definitely attract attention it might not be the right kind of attention and probably the uniformed kind!..........although it might just work! Lol


I'd really love to hear from you , whether you choose to follow or just drop by for a read , so say Hi and let me know what you think, really I'm asking!

Go on you know you want to!