Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Crappy Birthday to me!

Today is my birthday and I was feeling a little woeful, not at the thought of adding another year to my life but at the point I find myself at this point in my life, hence the title!

but I have been spoilt my my lovely children and I have decided to not think about all the bad stuff that's going on for me at the moment (or at least try!) and to just have a day of relaxation and self care!

And all I keep thinking about is this song that my dad would always sing on his birthday!


  1. Happy belated birthday. And, what a cool song.

  2. I'm so sorry I missed your birthday...a belated happy one to you, Emma, I'm sure.

    But you made me feel old (let's face it, I am old) because my dad didn't sing "Sixteen Tons" -- I did. Tennessee Ernie Ford was the Gomer Pyle (Jim Nabors) of his day -- he spoke with a twangy, hillbilly accent but sang in pure tones without a trace of one.

    1. Thank you Robert and I by no means think of you as old and anyway don't most things improve with age! x


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