Wednesday, 21 September 2011

40, The gift that keeps on giving!

I've done it again haven't I, I've moaned about not getting time to blog and then after saying that I will make time, I haven't! It been what about 2 weeks since my last post? So much for posting every day! I must try harder!

I am officially crap!

So anyway you know that whole taking care of 'me' thing that I was going to try well I made real quality time for myself and I went to the doctors about my poor aching heel to be told that I have plantar fisciitis a condition most common in women aged 40-60 and athletes so being the fine tuned athlete that I am this can of course be the only reason I'm in pain!

I wish!

He also told me that being over weight can aggravate it so basically what the doctor told me is that my heels hurt because I'm old and fat! Oh the joy!

So I have these lovely exercises to try and if they don't work it's either steroid injections, I have visions of looking like a Russian athlete! A splint because the limp just isn't attractive enough! Or worse case scenario an operation but there are some experimental treatments one involving Botox, I wonder if I could ask them to just pop a few injections around my face while they're at it!

So my limping self is going to sign off for now and try my best to be back soon!

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