Monday, 12 December 2016


So I haven't written anything in quite some time. It's odd because, well frankly writing makes me happy.
So why haven't I? 
Good question 
Simple answer is life! 
Deeper answer is depression, what that takes from you, you see in order to function in every other aspect such as work, being a mum and keeping the house to a level where,  you know you can still find the cat and the floor some things have to give and I realised what has given are the things that bring me joy ( well thankfully apart from being a mum) ... the creative in whatever guise that is and my friendships. 
So step one ... back to blogging
Step two... nuturing friendships both old and new. 
Step three ... how do I go about all that? I guess I just try! Stop seeing time as an obstacle and start using said time more effectively. 
Wish me luck 

Friday, 12 February 2016

Indulgence or Supporting Imagination and creativity?

I want to pose a question to anyone that happens to read this post.

How far do you go to support your child's imagination?

My youngest is 7 and has always been very imaginative and creative. We have had our share of imaginary friends and worlds and I have always played along while also checking her grasp and concept of reality, you know just to make sure things aren't getting a but mixed up along the seams.

I have put dinner our for dolls, had conversations with them joined in the games and generally revelled in this wonderful little creative spirit that she is.

But she's 7 now and I see many of her peers at school not playing in the same way or perhaps not being indulged or supported by their parents in the same way and I wonder if the time has come to be not so indulgent of her imagination.

The reason that I'm putting this out there today is that today is her beloved cabbage patch dolls birthday ( they come with a birth certificate for anyone that doesn't know)and not only did we buy her a present, we've made her a cake! now perhaps my daughter just fancies a nice cake and has figured out that this is one way to get one but is this indulging her imagination too much?

should I be putting a stop to it? in a gentle way of course or will it just play its course and she will outgrow it? 

Some of her friends just seem so grown up compared to her but is that to do with society and different parenting styles? and why would I want her to grow up quickly? not that I want to keep her a baby but I don't want to hold her back either.

so thoughts please?

Where did last year go?

Last year feels like it went by in blur of work, life, children, grandchildren and everything else in between!

I say this because I realised that its been a while since not only have I written a post but it's been the same length of time since I read one and what I thought was probably about 8 months has turned out to be more like 18 months since my last post!

How did this happen? how did I get so caught up in things that this amount of time has passed without me realising?

I have often had thoughts (often late at night) cross my mind and I've thought I will write something about that but then morning and again life takes over and here we are 18 months down the line and this is the first thing I'm writing.

So no promises just attempts to share something, anything that I feel like I want to share with world or at least get out of my head.