Tuesday, 19 July 2011

And then my mind went blank!

You would think with all that is going on in the world at the moment I would be able to come up with a thought provoking yet witty blog post

But can I ? can I heck as like! I am drawing a complete blank, not in the physical sense I don't even know how I would portray a blank something like this perhaps?

Get it? Blank Paper, pathetic I know!

I'm talking about  in coming up with something to write about kind of way !

Everyone and their Dog(I love that expression the paintings of C.M Coolidge always come to mind when I say it! I did mention I have a weird mind didn't I?) is writing about the phone hacking scandal and Rupert Murdoch, so I just didn't want to go there, too obvious for me.

So I'm right back to where I was a few days ago or was it longer? where there are so many topics that I want to write about that I can't seem to give my full attention to any of them!

So I have come up with a plan not a very exciting plan but a plan all the same I am going to go through all my started Blog Posts and guess what..Finish them!

It may mean that you get some pretty random stuff but i think it will help clear my mind and move on and perhaps just maybe even write something worth reading!

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I'd really love to hear from you , whether you choose to follow or just drop by for a read , so say Hi and let me know what you think, really I'm asking!

Go on you know you want to!