Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Fun in the sun!

It was a beautiful weekend, so beautiful that we decided to head toward the coast and spend a beautiful day on the beach and it was beautiful apart from 2 things, losing a child that didn't belong to me, never a good idea I mean losing your own child is bad enough but losing someone else's! We found her quite quickly I should add! And I got sunburnt and not just a little bit, I am as red as a boiled lobster and it hurts!

Now I'm usually a careful person, I don't sunbathe, I slather on sunblock and I haven't burnt since I was a child (sun protection in the late seventies early eighties was not what it is today or should I say utter bloody ignorance to the damage the sun can cause was the norm or the norm in my house!) anyway we spent a lovely day on the beach, ate some lovely fish and chips, they always taste better out of paper at the seaside don't you think? Looked for a lost child who wandered off from my daughters and got a bit disorientated as to which way was back to me! All in all a lovely day at the beach!

That is until we got in the car to come home at which point I realised my back was a bit sore and by time we got home my back was sore, my chest was sore, my arms and legs were sore and more bizarrely one foot was sore, truly I have no explanation for the one foot so don't ask!

I covered my self in after sun and still it hurts but it's getting better and I was given lots of tips to help ease the pain such as.... Bathe in milk, Erm, well not very practical, I don't own a cow and the amount of milk that I would need to cover my ample body would lets face it be rather expensive!

Cut tomatoes in half and smear them over your burnt bits!

Cover yourself in yogurt, that one doesn't sound too bad

But my personal favourite ... Lay on a newspaper to take the heat out! Well I suppose at least I'd have something to read while I lie there in agony too scared to move because it hurts so damn much!

So the moral of the story is even if you use factor 50 sunblock try and stay in the shade and cover up!

Next time I shall fashion myself some kind of head to toe outfit perhaps made from newspaper, tomato and yogurt! Well you've got to cover all the bases haven't you!

Friday, 25 May 2012

TV or not TV

A lot has been said over the past week about the amount of television we allow our children to watch and how it's all too easy to use the television almost like a babysitter to keep our children entertained while we get on with things in other words lazy parenting! But I'm sure all of us at some point have been guilty of using it to keep the little ones occupied when we need 5 minutes and lets be honest there are some programmes that are educational and I don't think in moderation it actually does any harm

So by fortuitous conincedence and to the benefit of my blog, thanks to a little glitch in our tv screen our tv has gone off to be repaired leaving a nice big 42 inch gap on the wall well except for the ugly wall bracket and the small patch of paint that shows the previous colour of my living room! and it could take up to 10 days to get back to us!

The shock , The horror!.....first thought was move the tv out of one of my daughters rooms then I thought, No, let's see how things pan out with out the television and so far we're on day 4 of no TV and I have to say I like it!

Even the little one who I thought would be asking for Octonauts or Dora the explorer by now doesn't seem to miss it in fact I have to say we've all been interacting a lot more and getting a lot more done!

Now the question is what's it going to be like when the TV comes back? I'd like to think that it's not going to be switched on unless they want to watch something in particular and only then for the duration of the programme but is that wishful thinking?

How about you, how much is too much? And could you manage without a television?

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

*insert slightly embarrassed cough here*

I've done it again or rather I haven't been doing it again! It's my blog I'm talking about, seems to be the one thing that I let give when life gets hectic but I am back again now trying to manage my time a little better and I have a few little ideas for some posts. So, there is a review coming up possibly 2! and I want to talk to you about TV watching but right now I'm off to get my hair cut but "I will be back!" that was said in my best Terminator impression obviously! but you knew that right?

Monday, 7 May 2012

Busy doing nothing

I complain about it all the time, I have written blog posts about it, what am I talking about.... Time! That's what!

I am in a constant state of feeling like I don't have enough time to get things done but I also have crap time management skills or at least I think I do judging by how much I see other people manage to achieve with their time, that with the added combination of a mind like mine that has so much going on in it all the time, so many thoughts, so many ideas that I want to get round to and the end result is I never quite get it all done!

And now I have this in my head......

And of course on top of all that I have children one of whom is only 3, so a large part of my day is spent painting, being a pirate, a princess, a frog or what ever latest adventure we're on and of course they grow up so quickly that that precious time playing with them far outweighs any amount of time spent cleaning, writing, studying although they are all important to me too!

So what's a girl to do? How do people get everything done? I need someone to come in and organise my life, really I do! Or I need a team of help to do all the mundane things that really and I mean REALLY need doing!

So how do you manage 'It All!'?

Friday, 4 May 2012

May the 4th be with you!

Today is International Star Wars Day!

Cue Music, Da,da,da,dada da

I'm not kidding it's an actual day!

Fans of the Star Wars movies will grabbing their lightsabers in sheer anticipation!(ooh matron!)

Since 1977 when those opening lines ..A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away appeared on the big screen accompanied by the awesome music written by John Williams people all over the world have been obsessed with this Film series many initially wondering "If this is Episode IV where are the other 3?", sadly we later found out! sorry, I'm sure many people love the The Phantom menace and the other 2 but they just didn't do it for me I'm afraid.

All over the world fans of the legendary George Lucas movies will be attending events and celebrating, many in the guise of their favourite characters, I myself will be donning my princess Leia costume in honour of this special day, I may end up looking like Jabba the hutt but hey ho it's still a star wars character right!

Here in the Uk there is a whole festival at the FullCircle Gallery, Leeds, To commemorate ‘May the 4th’, FullCircle Gallery Leeds, The Hang Gang and Leeds Alternative Comics, have got together to host the ultimate celebration of Star Wars. FullCircle will be transformed into a gallery, hosting a huge display of vintage Star Wars toys including over 100 carded figures and boxed vehicles. There’ll be live music Star Wars screenings and Star Wars inspired food and drinks available from the ‘Wookie Cookies’ cook book. Fancy dress is not compulsory but is welcomed. so if you're anywhere near Leeds pop in!

In London we have the Sci Fi Festival which is bound to celebrate May the 4th in some spectacular way and there are various Star Wars film marathons dotted about around the capital!

In the states if you're anyway near Denver or in a galaxy far, far away…okay, actually at the Wings Over The Rockies Air & Space Museum, you can experience the Star Wars universe for an afternoon. On Friday, May 4, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., the museum is hosting “Star Wars at the Hangar.” The event is “a must for all Star Wars fans and Jedis” and attendees are encouraged to come in costume as their favourite character. You can even sit in the cockpit of the only Star Wars X-Wing Fighter signed by Harrison Ford and other cast members. Plus, you can experience The Jedi Lightsaber Academy, Trooper Training School and Galactic Zoology Nursery.

If there is anything else going on anywhere else in the world please let me know!

you can also send a Stars Wars E-card to celebrate the special day! click here if you want to http://www.starwars.com/play/ecards/  , Seriously you clicked! ok so did I, what can I say my inner Geek isn't quite so inner! I am now laughing to myself as I type this because I realised I'm wearing a NERDS ROCK t-shirt! oh the irony!

Who do you fancy yourself as are you the rugged Han solo, are you a Luke or a Leia, A stormtrooper perhaps, or have you gone over to the dark side and channelling Darth or my personal favourite chewbacca ?

so there's very little left for me to say except.........

May the force be with you!

you were waiting for that weren't you? admit it!

And as a side bar it's also my nieces birthday so far more importantly, Happy Birthday Ellie x

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Ghostly Goings on

I think we have a ghost!

I'm one of those, I'll believe it when I see it kind of people for the most part but I'm also open minded and believe there is far more in this world than we can offer a reasonable explanation for and I have had spooky unexplained incidents in my past but the night before last was weird and without explanation.

We were sat in the living room when we heard plates being moved and a cupboard door being shut, I looked at everyone in the room and said  "you all heard that?" just checking on my mental stability, you never know, right? "yes!" said everyone knowing that we were all there so there was no one in the Kitchen! so I armed myself with the broom to go and investigate, what I would have done if someone was there I don't know, sweep them to death! but as it turned out like we thought no one was there! explanation.....No freaking idea! so if you have any, please let me know

Then in the middle of the night one of my daughters got up to use the toilet and as she put it "I was just sat there minding my business when the hot water tap suddenly turned on full and piping hot!"

soooooooo weird, I mean we often hear strange noise but its a big house and It wasn't build very well so there are all sorts of reasons we might hear noises but these two things I can't explain away!

How about you any explanations? or experiences? I'd love to hear